Thursday 2 February 2023

Kameel Stoepstories: Oom Danie Roux vertel van Kameel en Noord Wes Graan

Oom Danie en Tannie Lizzy 
So onthou ons hulle


Stap saam met ons deur die massaskure op Kameel. 

'n Baie ou Kaart van die Spoorlyn. Kameel word aangedui as Saltpan

Die volgende artikel. Oom Danie Roux geskryf. en is gepubliseer in die Noord Wes Nuus Maart/April 1972

Oom Danie Roux ken Kameel se geskiedenis. Dit is geskiedenis wat hy gehelp maak het en die eerste stasiegeboutjie wat op pale gestaan het, onthou hy nog goed.

 Maar dit, sê oom Danie, was nie omdat dit destyds so baie gerent het nie. Die gebou moes op pale kom anders het dit onder die stof toegewaai.

Jare later is n permanente gebou opgerig 

Waar Noordwes se massaskure vandag staan, het Alfred Fincham* van Stella vroeg in die twintigerjare ‘n klein stoortjie opgerig, op die plaas Kameelbult, vir die berging van sout wat hulle met muilwaens vanaf Stella aangery het. Die oplaai van hierdie sout was dan ook die groot rede waarom Kameel sy stasie gekry het op die spoorlyn wat in 1894 tussen Vryburg en Mafeking gebou is.

 Oom Danie vertel dat hyself, oom Frikkie Scholtz en Frans Visser daardie jare die grootste saaiboere in die omgewing was. Hulle plase was in die sogenoemde reënvalstreek geleë. Omdat hulle ook graag in die voordele van ‘n kooperasie wou deel, het hulle met Noorwes in aanraking gekom om ‘n depot op Kameel te open

Oom Danie en Tannie Lizzy 

Sewe boere en ‘n paar direksielede van Noordwes het op ‘n goeie dag by die stasie vergader en daar is ‘n reëlingskomitee gestig. Met die Spoorwee is ooreengekom oor ‘n stukkie grond waar ‘n stoor van sink en pale gebou is.

Van die eerste stoorman vertel oom Danie ‘n grappige staaltjie. Al die gespook en gekla by die direksie dat hulle die stoorman ‘n brandkluis moes gee, het absoluut niks gehelp nie.

Al wat hierdie man kon doen was om die geld wat hy names die kooperasie ontvang het, in sy persoonlike bankrekening op Vryburg te bank. Aan die einde van elke maand wanneer hy sy boeke gebalanseer het, stuur hy aan Noordwes se hoofkantoor op Lichtenburg een van sy persoonlike tjeks vir die bedrag wat die tak op Kameel gedurende die maand sake gedoen het,

 Oor sekere aangeleenthede het die kooperasie en die spoorwee nie deur dieselfde bril gekyk nie en die depot op die stasie het probleme begin skep. Die plaaslike lede het begin uitkyk vir ‘n geskikte terrein wat hulle kon koop en hul eie geboue oprig.

Die huidige terrein is van Ernest en Gerald Fincham(*) gekoop. 13.334 Morge is verkoop teen die verkoopsprys van R8000.00 op 19 Maart 1963 aan Die Noord-Westelike Koopertatiewe Landboumaatskappy Beperk.

Later, vertel oom Danie, het die boere van die omgewing hulle beywer vir die verkryging van ‘n eie direkteur op die direksie van Noorwes omdat hulle gevoel het so ‘n persoon, wat die plaaslike omstandighede goed ken, is baie nodig.

Oom Danie was al die jare ‘n aktiewe lid van Noordwes wat die belange van sy kooperasie heelvoor gestel het.

Die adjunkminister van Landbou, Hendrik Schoeman het die masssaskure geopen. Hy het vertel dat in die middel van 1939 daar vir die eerste maal by Kameel en Madibogo graan ontvang is. By Kameel is in 1940 ‘n houtstoor vir R160 opgerig om 15 000 sak graan te ontvang. Die daaropvolgende 10 jaar was die jaarlikse graanlewering op Kameel gemiddeld 391 00 sak. Die bakmaat van Kameel was 400 00 sak. Op Kameel en Madibogo het die boere R300 000 van hul eie fondse bygedra om fasiliteite te skep.

Vandag is die massaskure in ongebruik nadat daar 26 silo's gebou is. 

Die Massaskure 

Die massaskure het dubbel wande en die rondings help om die drukking op die wande te verminder. 

Oorhoofse vervoerband

Vervoerband van nader gesien 

Die skuur van bo gesien. Die drie ronde voorwerpe is die rollers wat die gewig van die vervoerbande dra.

Rollers van naby gesien 

Die dryfroller van naby gesien. 

Die dryfroller met die roller wat die balans hou.(counter weight)

Die toring waar die los mielies uitgelaai word. 

Jaco en Hennie staan reg vir 'n foto

Die hopper waar die mielies afgelaai word. 

Die twee massastore wat sy aan sy staan 

Die ingangs roete 

Die massastoor is uitgebou met 'n sement wat 'n V-vormige sykante
Die ou weegbrug 
Die silo's wanneer die son sak 

·         Alfred Fincham was my oupa-grootjie.

·         Gerald Fincham was my pa

Baie dankie aan Jaco Havenga wat ons vergesel het om foto's van die Massastore te neem. 

Dankie Hennie vir die foto's 

Groete tot volgende keer 
Sandra Cronje nee Fincham 

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Kameel Stoepstorie: There is a Cuckoo in the nest

The Great-Spotted Cuckoo

Every year we spot the Great-spotted cuckoo, in our area. Their presence causes a stir in the bird life of our garden. 

The Lighthouse Apartment

There is a railway yard light in front of the Loadmaster cottage, and this light has been home to an Indian Myna couple for many years. Sitting on the stoep and enjoying a cup of coffee, we spotted the cuckoo dashing into the light. A fight broke out, inside the limited area, between the cuckoo and the Indian Mynas. Hennie gave the pole, holding the light, a few bangs at the bottom, and the three birds fled. 

The naked, altricial chick hatches after a few days. The host parents were coming and going to feed this little one. It is forever calling for food. After about five days we realize that there is an Indian Myna chick as well. They left their little Yard Light apartment soon after and then they start calling from the trees. 

Today we spotted both chicks in the Syringa tree at our back door. You cannot call the cuckoo's call flattering. It is rather a screeching non-stop call. 

Unlike some cuckoos, the chicks do not always kill their "siblings", but will sometimes peck and damage them. The cuckoo chick seems to peck and harass the Myna chick. 

The competition to stay alive from food that the host parents must find are tough. It seems that there is never enough food. 

Till next time 


Wednesday 7 December 2022

Kameel Stoepstorie: Political Cookies

Cuisine and wonderful stories 
This story is shared by the host of Kameel Huise Tussen Spore.
The South African cuisine has a wealth of wonderful stories.
One of my favorites is the story of our country's own political cookies.
The old people told the story that the cookies with their distinctive jam tummies were the favorites of both minister Hertzog and general Smuts. 
Every family had cookies according to the name of the leader of the political party which it supported. In one household there could be supporters of Smuts and also of Hertzog- the old people were politically insane in South Africa. 
In the Cape Malay community colored cookies were brought out when there were visitors.
Hertzoggies, Smutsies and Two-faced cookies
The Smutsies vs the Hertzogies
Barry Hertzog and Jan Smuts 
The delicacies of the two South African political parties obtained momentum during the 1924 election. This "food-fight" showed that politics also had its own delicacy.
In the present situation the party which wins is the one with the most "free" food.

In the rural areas it was easy to differentiate between the supporters of the two parties. 

The supporters of Jan Smuts and the United Party were known as the "Sappe" and they traveled around the country in "pimped out Chevy's". Thank you to the Franshoek Motor museum for the photo of the shinny Chevrolet 
The supporters of JBM Hertzog and the National Party were know as the "Nats"
They were seen in flashy Fords with shiny rims and a beat.
Thank you to the Franshoek Motor Museum for the photo of the flashy Ford 
Jan Smuts official Cadillac 
Jan Smuts Cookies (or Smutsies) is a variation which Jan Smuts' supporters baked. 
They had a jam segment and a pastry covering . 
They were named after Jan Smuts who was the Prime Minister of South Africa from 1919 to 1924 and from 1939 to 1948.
According to legend they were very popular with the supporters of general Smuts while his opponents would have nothing to do with them. 
General Smuts defeated Hertzog as Prime Minister and the Smutsies increased in popularity.
Smutsies as still part of the traditions in South Africa
Non of these photo's are ours
Thanks to Huiskok for sharing the photo's
Hertzog Cookies (Hertzogigies) were named after J.B.M. (Barry) Hertzog, Prime Minister of the then Union of South Africa. 
Barry Hertzog was a Boer general during the Second Anglo-Boer War. 
He attempted to protect the Afrikaner culture against the British influence.
It seems that the Cape-Malay community developed the Hertzoggies because of excitement when in the 1920's promised the right to vote for women and racial equality if he won the election. he cookies were originally filled apple jelly  which was later replaced with apricot jelly. 
The Hertzoggies are known for their flaky pastry apricot jam filling and coconut meringue topping.
The ever popular Hertzoggies with the coconut meringue topping
Tweegevreetjie (Two-Facers) were a protest against broken promises in parliament. 
It then happened that Hertzog was returned to parliament in 1924 and summarily broke his promise to the Malay community and gave the vote only to white women. 
To voice their dissatisfaction about this they baked the "tweegevreetjies"  with a clear message .
The protest was made clear by decorative one side with a pale pink and the other side with a brown icing. 
This represented the white man's black heart and it was called "tweegevreetjie" "two Faced.

The Tweegevreetjies contain Malay aromas like cardomon.
The tweegevreetjies with their clear message 
Jan and Issie Smuts lived in this house in Irene
It is situated in the Gauteng province of South Africa
The house is also known as the Smuts Museum 
Barry and Mynie lived in this house situated in Bloemfontein
It is situated in the Free State Province of South Africa
It is also a museum 
Imagine that it is now time to clean your house thoroughly and bake cookies.
Our favorite but no political connections
We use the apricot jam made from our garden apricots 
Just a last little morsel 
The first successful Caesarean section in Africa was performed by Dr James Barry, an army surgeon, in Cape Town. 
The procedure was completed with permission from the baby's father, Thomas Munnik, despite the disapproval of the local church. 
The baby was named James Barry Munnik after the doctor, and lived to be 78 years old. 
Coindicentally he gave this name to his godson, prominent politician Gen. James Barry Munnik Hertzog. 
Interestingly, the sex of Dr James Barry raised some eyebrows when it was revield that he/she was a woman in disguise, namely Margaret Ann Bulkley, who pretended to be a man so that she could attend medical school in Edinburgh.  

 Thanks for visiting our post and we hope that you will find a favorite. 
Sending Lots of Love from South Africa 

Thursday 4 August 2022

Kameel Stoepstorie: Sweet Potato Brioche

The sweet potato yield is stunning.
The village people received fresh sweet potatoes.
We filled the freezer with sweet potato and freshly squeezed orange juice.
Today was time for a sweet potato brioche.
Hennie mixed and kneed the dough for brioche.
The smell is awesome.

Recipe for Sweet Potato brioche
Sweet potatoes, peeled and cut up to measure 2 cups (500 ml) cooked and mashed finely. 
(Keep the sweet potato water in case you need some liquid if the dough is to dry}
6 cups (720 g) bread or cake flour
10 g instant dry yeast
1 T (15 ml) salt
Measure all the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
Toss with your fingers. Make a hollow in the centre and add the watery sweet-potato mix.
Working from the outside in, blend the ingredients together using your hand.
Knead until the dough is smooth.

Cover and leave to stand for 30 minutes. 
Spray the necessary baking pan with butter or oil a baking pan.

Knead the dough again.

Shape the dough into balls and pack into baking pan. Leave the pan at room temperature to allow the dough to rise slowly. When double in size, dust the top with a little flour.

Adjust the oven rack to the middle position. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Bake in the oven for ± 45 – 50 minutes.

Till next time 

Sunday 26 June 2022

Kameel Stoepstorie: Face Cloths

Have started to knit some face cloths using only organic cotton.  

We are using 100% Bamboo and natural Cotton to knit with.  

Vinnis Serina 100% Bamboo 

A different colour in Bamboo 

Premier natural Cotton 

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” 
Edith Sitwell

Till next time 
Love from Kameel 

Friday 10 June 2022

Kameel Stoepstorie: Marmalade with a Christmas twist.

Think about marmalade and Christmas 

My old and trusted recipe normally gets a good handful of lemon verbena leaves and flowers into the pot when cooking marmalade. This time around it was time for a tangy, zesty citrus fruit with cinnamon, cloves, star anise and cardamom.

I used my old and trusted recipe as published in The Practical Cookery Book for South Africa by S van H Tulleken with the preface written by Issie Smuts and printed in 1923. 

Slice the oranges without peeling them, refusing the pips only. They should be very thinly sliced. Measure 3 cups of water to one cup pulp, and leave it for 24 hours; then boil it up till the fruit is quite tender and the water gluey (it is well to boil it thoroughly, otherwise it will take too much sugar, and will be very sweet, instead of doing the boiling without the sugar, it will have to boil so much longer after the sugar is added to bring it to the proper consistency, and will then be much darker too. After boiling leave it for another 24 hours. Weigh and add 1 cup sugar to 1 cup pulp.

Boil rapidly till it will jelly when tested. Care should be taken not to allow it to burn; it must be stirred frequently when it begins to thicken, but stir it as you would for porridge; just scratch the marmalade from the bottom of the pot to prevent it from burning, stirring the fruit about as little as possible. Sterilize bottles by putting them in the oven for 15min before using them. 

A nice twist is to add a dash of brandy on top of the marmalade in the bottles before you seal it.  

Christmas twist: 

I add cinnamon sticks, star anise, whole cloves and bruised green cardamom pods, bruised tied in a piece of muslin cloth to the water when boiling the fruit in water. 

I use three lemons to five oranges. 

Till next time 