Showing posts with label Cottage to rent at Kameel; Railway; Kameel; Route377; North West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cottage to rent at Kameel; Railway; Kameel; Route377; North West. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Kameel Stoepstorie: There is a Cuckoo in the nest

The Great-Spotted Cuckoo

Every year we spot the Great-spotted cuckoo, in our area. Their presence causes a stir in the bird life of our garden. 

The Lighthouse Apartment

There is a railway yard light in front of the Loadmaster cottage, and this light has been home to an Indian Myna couple for many years. Sitting on the stoep and enjoying a cup of coffee, we spotted the cuckoo dashing into the light. A fight broke out, inside the limited area, between the cuckoo and the Indian Mynas. Hennie gave the pole, holding the light, a few bangs at the bottom, and the three birds fled. 

The naked, altricial chick hatches after a few days. The host parents were coming and going to feed this little one. It is forever calling for food. After about five days we realize that there is an Indian Myna chick as well. They left their little Yard Light apartment soon after and then they start calling from the trees. 

Today we spotted both chicks in the Syringa tree at our back door. You cannot call the cuckoo's call flattering. It is rather a screeching non-stop call. 

Unlike some cuckoos, the chicks do not always kill their "siblings", but will sometimes peck and damage them. The cuckoo chick seems to peck and harass the Myna chick. 

The competition to stay alive from food that the host parents must find are tough. It seems that there is never enough food. 

Till next time 
