Showing posts with label Accommodation Drakensberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accommodation Drakensberg. Show all posts

Friday, 22 April 2016

Women in life

Celebrating all women walking the earth. 
We are all different and unique 

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. 

It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. 
The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.
Audrey Hepburn

We celebrate the difference and uniqueness with quilts and patchwork 
In the garden 

Read more about De Oude Huize and the story quilts here

Lots of blessings to you from Harrismith, Free State, South Africa  

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

A blue greyish lamp post in our garden

There were oil lamps in the streets and candles in the churches and it was reported that the ladies complained of the candle grease "falling on their wearing apparel". 
The Council embarked on a scheme for electric lighting, at an estimated cost of 19000 Pounds. The work was carried out by Messrs Morley and Dawbarn of London and Johannesburg. 
Mrs Caskie, wife of the Mayor of the day, turned on the lights at a banquet in November, 1904. 
Six beautiful street lamps were donated to the town. 
The according to word-of-mouth it was donated by the British Monarchy.
These  stunning street lamp took poll position in front of the Town Hall. 
When we moved to Harrismith there were still 2 lamps standing 
Some years ago we were driving though town and saw four guys rolling this base of a lamp.
The base of the street lamp 
After a couple of minutes Hennie was convinced he could save the old street lamp. 
In the same year the then museum had to be moved. This was a main . . . main job. There was an old ox-wagon that needs to be removed. Under the ox-wagon a lot of broken pieces of a street lamp, was hidden. 
The then committee entrusted the broken bits and pieces to us. We learnt that it was destroyed by a truck. Biebie de Vos - our town historian - helped with a picture of the original street lamp. 
 Hennie started the restoring the lamp.  

In the words of Mother Teresa
If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. 
To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.

Bits and pieces put together 
A couple of years ago this pieces was entrusted to us when it was hit by a truck
"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out"

JRR Tolkien

A picture of a street lamp in Madison Avenue dated 1924.
This was part of the inspiration 
Bits and pieces 
Hennie started to renovate it as time was available.
He had to make new pieces where pieces were missing.
Painfully he managed to restore it

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of
creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. 
More detail of the bottom tulip shape 

Wonderful to see it standing in our garden
Thanks for visiting and may you have a wonderful time
Love from South Africa

Monday, 29 June 2015

Our story in Sunny South Africa

This is a repost of a previous post.  
Trading the fast pace and bright lights of bustling city life for life in the slow lane is not an easy decision to make. The road may be longer towards Harrismith, but after finding our nest, we instantly know that we prefer the scenic route. Harrismith is an old historical town in the Eastern Free State, South Africa 
It is the second oldest building in Harrismith that has survived modern life
It was built in 1860 
We named it  . . . . . 

After alterations and renovations using old building materials De Oude Huize Yard as it is standing proudly 

Summer is a blessing but we also love winter 

The Platberg (Flat top mountain) and it's presence 

In 2009 we opened the doors of De Oude Huize Yard Bed and Breakfast 
I think it is appropriate to introduce you to the men in my life.

On the left is Gerald-Cecil the baby of our family but he stands 2 meters in his stocks
In the middle is Hennie and we got married in 1981 and he still loves to open all doors for me
A gentle man in an old fashioned way
On the right is Pedri 1984 - 2008 and we can only say thanks for walking the last mile
On 5 October 2013 Gerald-Cecil got married to Lesinda
A beautiful girl whom we love dearly 
Our two dogs Leonardo (Pyrenean Mountain Dog) and McLeod (Springer Spaniel)
And need we say more  . . . .  
Thanks for visiting. 

We make a life by what we get, but we make a living by what we give!  

Blessings to you all

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Semi-Dried Tomatoes

Our vegetable garden gave us such a lot of join this year.  
 The tomato harvest is going on without stop.  

We have made tomato and chilli jam 
Then the Ratatoulle tarts
Still it is going on and on . . .  

Now its time for semi-dried tomatoes 

Roman tomatoes are our favourite to dry
Cut in halves lengthways and lay skin-side down on a baking tray 
Sprinkel of salt to taste and some cracked black pepper and the always so special thyme.
Preheat the oven to warm - 160C and cook in the oven for 2 hours.  

Check occasionally to make sure the tomatoes don't burn.  
Toss the tomatoes in some olive oil and leave to cool before packing
 into sterilised jars and sealing.
Store in the refrigerator.  

Lots of blessing from South Africa 

Thank you for all the wonderful friends whom are sharing this story!!!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Funky Treasures

From time to time you find little boxes containing funky treasures.  
Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
Ted Perry in 1972

Antique Britannia bicycle repair kit in a little yellow tin 
A Little hand cut from ivory 
Interesting tools in a mould and an antique darning egg.  

Selection of old handles

Small spoons in a scale 
Crystals for a chandelier 

Love from South Africa 

Thank you for all the wonderful friends whom are sharing this story!!!