Showing posts with label Regenerated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regenerated. Show all posts

Monday 19 August 2019

Kameel Stoepstorie: A dove breeder changed into a crockery cupboard

 Things are never just straight forward in our home. 
There is always room for a twist or two.

On our arrival at KameelZA, we store some of our stuff in a shed, on my brother’s farm. Once a week we would dash over to collect some of our stuff. During one of this visit, I spotted an old dove breeder standing in the shed. This was fascinating. The little doors and little bars made it even more unusual.

My brother was kind enough to pass it on to us. We left it outside for a day or two before the big clean began. Except for being out of use for quite some time, it was also a bit flimsy, but it will be ideal for a crockery cupboard.

The restoration process took Hennie some time. He used my dad little workplace as a workshop. He took the breeder apart and copy some of the doors and beams. The sanding and fitting took some time. Every time he fixed something a new challenge popped up. Some of the planks were bent and had to be flattened

Hennie had to search for the right size bars to replaced the missing once. Parts of the back were damaged and needed replacement.

Parts of the back were damaged and needed replacement. As we have moved with old tin ceilings, we decided that it will be ideal for the back and it will add some texture to the, now, crockery cupboard.

One morning he announced that he needs the paint for it. I have looked at pictures of paint colours on the internet and was still dreaming which colour would it be. We decided on a steel grey colour with the name Dust to Day.

On a clear day, the compressor started and it took two days to spray paint the cupboard in every crack and nook. Once this was completed, to Hennie’s satisfaction, it was time to select the tin ceilings and installing it as the backing.

With a lot of excitement, it was carried into our cottage. I could start with the unpacking of the crockery. The way to go was to create little displays in every box.

Hope you like the final result.
Till next time

Thursday 9 July 2015

Welcoming committee

Some fun always happens at De Oude Huize Yard 
Hennie kept himself busy making the welcoming committee.  
Everything was regenerated 
You have to love this 

Two pieces of sand stone
Some facial features were added
The finale was the headgear
An old grinding disk and some left-over caps 
The old wooden fence post came in handy for the bodies
Pieces of left over electrical conduit was used for the arms and legs
A set of feet to stand solid and face the world 
More delicate little feet to "steel" the heart 
A rose for charm 
A Little piece of music 
Part of the committee 
The second part of the welcoming committee 

Standing at the entrance to the parking area at De Oude Huize Yard
Thanks for visiting 
Thanks for all the wonderful friends visiting us 
Lots of blessings from South Africa 