Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Friday 22 March 2019

Kameel Stoepstorie: Kameel Veld plants

On Heritage Day we spend the day in the veld looking for something different than the usual. Decided to put on our camera strap and walking boots and get going.

After six months of living in the North West Province of South Africa, we thought that it is time to learn more about the heritage plants in the Kameel area.
There is grass and what we know as Vaalbosch but as you will notice the red sand is always visible.
We need to get a guide to learn us more.

 Our area is very dry with red sand and the summer temperature rises to 45 degrees Celsius. This year the summer rainfall was less than 100 millimetre. The grasslands are very dry and the wildflowers are far and in between. There are no big fields of flowers but when you find one it is almost an ecstatic experience.
It was a special experience to just wander and experience beauty.
It is was one of the strangest plants we came across. 
It grows not higher than 35cm but has this almost too big for its size seed pods
.If you can identify any of our plants we will appreciate it.
Till next time
Sandra and Hennie