Kameel is located on the edge of the Kalahari desert. This unique ecosystem is home to many unusual species. One of these is the fascinating little bird that builds enormous structures for their family for generations to come. They survive and thrive in this area because of their lifestyle and ingenious behaviour.
The structures are sometimes built in unusual places. This family nest made use of an electricity supply pole that came into disuse.
They build huge nests on trees and poles. You can spot is easy because they look like a pile of hay stuck inside trees. From the top, the nest looks like it is covered with a heavy blanket of straw and no holes at the top.
However, hidden underneath are small holes and each opening is a passage into a room where lots of birds live together and eggs are incubated.
These nests are an engineering wonder. The nest is supported on a strong branch that can be compared to a beam. It is then filled with smaller branches and twigs to keep everything together. Lots of grass is then used to build each opening and the cambers.
The nests are very comfortable because it keeps it cool in summer and warm in the cold winter days but especially the nights. This help to make it easy for the birds to survive on little food during the winter.
The birds never stop building their nests. Sometimes it becomes so heavy that the beam branch broke and the construction land on the ground. This does not stop the birds to stop working. Bit by bit the nest is rebuilt and the work never ends. It continues over generations. There are records of nests being 80 years old. They live a lifestyle with a conservation orientation. They start breeding when they are two years old. The birds drink almost no water and live on seeds. The young never leaves the house, they move into another chamber in the same nest and continue to support each other.
The birds take great care to protect their nest from big birds and predators. Large birds can rest on top of the nest.
The main predators are snakes. Today on a drive with Kobus and Carol, Carol spotted a snake in the nest. Yes, it is a black mamba. This snake can wipe out a whole nest filled with eggs. The birds were trying to protect themselves by making shill noises, but all in vain. We watch the snake as it wriggles in and out of the different openings. Till next time
Hennie and Sandra
Great nature adventure story about this nests. Keep informing us thanks Hennie and Sandra